Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Harvard or Junior College? Alternative Routes to the BA degree

Where I went to high school, it was an ideal to get into an Ivy League school. Kids who went to community colleges were considered to be inferior students.

But check this out. Those who went to Ivy League schools paid (or got their parents to pay) upwards of $120,000 for their education. For some people, that money doesn’t matter so much. For most, though, it’s a big (impossible?) dig into the pocket… Of course, people are willing to pay for those great schools because the education is supposed to be that good…

Is it worth it?

People who go the junior college route (attend JC for a couple of years and transfer to a state school) end up taking the same core classes that the Ivy Leaguers take. They also end up with a BA degree – which is not from Harvard, to be sure, but it’s still a BA…

Does it really matter where or how someone went to school?

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