Thursday, February 14, 2008

Websites That Will Help Your Business Grow/ Part 2

We at believe in sharing information - This email marketing service allows you to easily track sends, clicks and more! This can be a great option for anyone who is looking to outsource their newsletter or email marketing campaign - Increase traffic and meet customers on a first name basis. is a new venture that is highly recommended by the community. Marketing can be as easy as ABC. I am hearing good things about this company. It’s a great alternative to Google ads. – Facbook marketing. This is an excellent site that shares great tips and explains the basics of how to market via facebook. - Local listing will promote your business to customers looking for information on yahoo local. There are three different plans to meet your company’s needs. - Craigslist gets an estimated 10 million visitors per day. This is an online classified ad format organized by region or city. - This site offer a free local business listing service that allows to better manage your reputation online. - This site provides a central location for businesses to set up, maintain and track local search advertising campaigns. Pricing varies. - How to write a proper press release. - The best social network for social marketing! - This is one excellent site for article marketing. Again you need to really understand how it works. - This social book marketing site can drive loads of traffic to your site. Learn how to use it. - Join yahoo and start joining yahoo groups that are relevant to your business. This can be great exposure. - Wow! This is one powerful list! - Another great classified ads site. - Watch this amazing video on social marketing. If you really get this – your business could literally take off!

Now Before you jump into these sites- please read this:

What’s better in marketing - to be a pusher or a puller? of course a puller. What is a puller? This means that you are 'pulling' people to your website, how? by doing things that will 'attract' them to you. This can be done in many ways and I will just mention a few - article marketing, forum marketing, social group marketing etc... By sharing valuable information that you have.
Use these tools [forums, articles, social networks etc..] for marketing but don’t abuse them! When you 'spam' forums and social networks - don’t be surprised that you are not getting any traffic from them.
Spam in this case means that you post once and never show up again, it means that you join a discussion group that’s not related to anything and you start posting your website....
If you want visitors to your website, if you want to build an audience around your website - then you need to build trust & respect from your potential visitors.
Be a contributor - it may take more time but in the long run it’s worth it!


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